OnlineAdMag's Self Employment Program
Business Representatives Required:
We need
business representatives from all over Pakistan. This offer is valid for
everyone. Students, salaried employees, housewives, unemployed, etc. Now
you can make good fortune by introducing our services in your schools,
universities, offices, families, etc. This is a Win-Win opportunity. No
need to invest and no fear of loss. Just use different ways to market us
and get commission on Successful Order. You can cash your sales anytime
you like when it reaches US $100 or above. All you have to do is to
introduce a successful customer (who Must Buy our service). You can make
lot of money as there is no restriction or limit of targets.
Contact us for more information and we will guide you how you can
generate business and earn more by selling OnlineAdMag's services.
Process of becoming a business representative:
> Contact Us > We will guide you > Fill the
form >Submit it > We will allot you a unique ID > You make sale > We
confirm your sale > Your commision will be added to your Unique ID > You
Generated Business and Made Your Commission
Commissions are different for each service
of OnlineAdMag and commission percentage chart will be provided to you
when you become join us.